Lorraine Lynch Growth Mindset
Lorraine Lynch Growth Mindset
Lorraine is a social entrepreneur, businesswoman and author of two books ‘100 Happy Days 4 Kids’ and ‘Closing Saor’s Day’. Her background is in health psychology interventions with children and families, with degrees from NUIG and a Masters’ from University of Ulster. She is the founder and CEO of the Child Psychology Institute (CPI) and the co-founder of the Business Psychology Academy (BPA).
Lorraine experienced trauma during her formative years – sexual abuse at the hands of a close family friend. As a result she developed severe anxiety throughout her teenage years. The emotions and behaviours Lorraine exhibited were not recognised as trauma responses by the adults in her world.
“Looking back now at the little girl I was, it is crystal clear that she was an innocent child carrying deep trauma. The shame that was put on me by that man was not something I could carry. But it is the reason I will do everything I possibly can in my lifetime to educate adults about how to protect at-risk children. This is what I live and breathe – it drives me like no other motivation.”
Today she works to provide children’s therapy to families, and is making services and education available on a global scale, through her online courses which are recognised by the Department of Education and Skills and accredited by CPDUK.